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Dancers Awakening Love with Amara and Lei’ohu

20. Juni um 19:00 - 23. Juni um 19:00

Dancers Awakening Love

with Amara Pagano,
Lei’Ohu Ryder & Maydeen Iao
> 20-23 JUNE 2024 < Kisslegg, Germany (Sonnenstrahl Center)

Join Amara and Lei’Ohu for a transformational 4 day retreat

Deepen your OneDanceTribe experience in a more intimate environment.
Or simply join this retreat and explore the amazing power of awakening love

Can Love Win? The answer is YES!
To awaken love is to tap into your potential and unleash your deepest power.

For the first time, Amara & Lei’Ohu will co-create a 4 day dive into the waters of love. There is no one more experienced and qualified than this powerful duo to lead you through a truly transformational experience.

Amara is a founder of Azul. She has been teaching movement as spiritual practice for 30+ years and is deeply committed to supporting embodied awakening.

Lei’Ohu and Maydeen are Hawaiian elders who are the Emissaries of Aloha. They are spiritual leaders, visionaries, healers and singer/songwriters. They live and breath aloha which at its essence is love.

Together they will lead us on an experience of EMBODIED AWAKENING exploring the theme of awakening love that will bring positive changes in our lives and influence the trajectory of our collective journey.

This special Dancers Awakening Love will be full of magic, mysticism and mystery, as these three powerhouses join forces to uplift and inspire the living embodiment of love.

Let’s explore together how to make the best of this amazing opportunity and experience unity and transformation!

To awaken love means to awaken your potential, your deepest power.

More info and registration pathofazul.com/dal-retreat/
Prices for tuition only. Accommodation and meals not included, to be booked directly with Sonnenstrahl Center


20. Juni um 19:00
23. Juni um 19:00
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Seminarzentrum Sonnenstrahl Kißlegg
Sebastian Kneipp Alle
Kißlegg, Baden Württemberg 88353 Deutschland
Google Karte anzeigen


Amara Pagano

Weitere Angaben

Amara Pagano & Lei'ohu Ryder
Zusätzlicher Link

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