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Viele interessante Termine rund um 5 Rhythmen- und andere Conscious Dance-Veranstaltungen in München. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Wir als Dance Tribe Munich e.V. organisieren nur Übungsabende. In unserem Veranstaltungskalender findest du aber auch Conscious Dance Workshops in München und Umland. An unseren Abenden liegen Flyer aus, die über Wochenenden und Retreats im Bereich Conscious Dance in Deutschland (und Europa) informieren.

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OneDanceTribe r-Birth

14. Juni um 17:00 - 19. Juni um 13:00

OneDanceTribe r-Birth

14-19 June 2024 | Kisslegg, Germany (Sonnenstrahl Cener)
Check the event website here

6-Days of Life Transforming Experiences
The most celebrated global conscious dance event
~ now in its 12th year! ~
OneDanceTribe is an international community of people practicing conscious movement as a path of personal and global transformation.
We gather founders and senior movement teachers, healers, dancers, artists and community leaders from all over the planet to share an experience of relating and collaborating as One Global Tribe.
Our skilled and experienced faculty weave their teachings into one stream, demonstrating how -when we work together with purpose- we can create something bigger and better that we can do on our own.
Our mission is to awaken love in our hearts and contribute to the creation of a peaceful and prosperous global community. We work to create a field of love, inclusion and abundance that supports the shift from fear to trust and separation to unity. We gather to honor our unique gifts and contributions and celebrate the power of collaboration.
Together we build strength, form an international network of likehearted people, and make a difference.

You Will Enjoy….

♥ learning from masters weaving their sessions as one

♥ relaxing in the warm pool and sauna

♥ rejouvinating with cutting edge healing services

♥ connecting with a like hearted international community

♥ sharing your deepest joys and sorrows

♥ co-creating a celebration of consciousness

♥ experiencing the power of embodied awakening

♥ feeling inspired and energized


Amara Pagano, Founder of Azul Conscious Movement™ (Ibiza, Spain)
Zuza Engler, Founder Moving with Life (USA)
Cathy Ryan, Faculty of Open Floor™ and Co-Founder of BISO (Ireland)
Lei’ohu Ryder Co-Founder of Aloha in Action (Maui, Hawaii)
Edgar Spieker, Co-Founder of Soul Motion® (Germany)
Cyrille Chantereau, Founder of Just Dance with Life (France)
Shastro Rodella Meditation Teacher & New age Musician (Italy)
Parashakti Founder of Dance of Liberation (USA & Israel)


“Transformative, heart opening, grounding. I have found my authentic voice after a lifetime of dance for the first time! The integrative approach to dance freed me!” — Stacey Clarfield, New York USA

“One of the most beautiful, complete and satisfying coming together of my life. For the body and the soul. What a tribe!” — Christian Doll, Germany

“All the practices talk about unity, consciousness, but in reality there is a lot of separation. Here the ONE is REAL”. — Marcella Panseri, Italy

Questions or inquiries?
Please contact us at info@onedancetribe.com
Work-trade exchange possible.



14. Juni um 17:00
19. Juni um 13:00
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Seminarzentrum Sonnenstrahl Kißlegg
Sebastian Kneipp Alle
Kißlegg, Baden Württemberg 88353 Deutschland
Google Karte anzeigen


Amara Pagano

Weitere Angaben

International Faculty
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